The Squeaky Wheel Doesn't Get The Grease.....
I love Isaiah Hankel's article in Entrepreneur magazine as he states, your problems are proportional to the amount of time you spend complaining about your problems: The less you complain, the fewer problems you will have. This is because complaining about your problems keeps your attention on your problems. And attention generates force.
Complaining also negatively affects your brain functioning and overall health. A study in the journal Developmental Psychology reported by the American Psychological Association found that people who vent to one other about their problems for long periods of time are more likely to develop depression and anxiety. Other studies reported by Stanford University News have shown that exposure to complaints lasting 30 minutes or more peels away neurons in your hippocampus, the part of your brain responsible for problem-solving.
Complaining lowers self-esteem.
The squeaky wheel doesn't get the grease. The squeaky wheel breaks down and gets replaced.
If you want to attract failure, talk about your problems. If you want to attract success, talk about what makes you happy. A study published in the journal Psychological Science and reported in Science Daily examined how people responded to positive versus negative social media-status updates. The researchers ranked random survey subjects as having high or low self-esteem and collected a set of 10 status updates from each person. The researchers then asked strangers to read the updates and rate how much they liked the person who wrote each set.
An example of a positive status update was, “[I am] looking forward to a great day tomorrow.” An example of a negative update was, “[I am] upset b/c my phone got stolen.”
The study found that people with high self-esteem were more likely to post positive status updates than those with low self-esteem. The study also found that strangers liked people who posted positive status updates more than people posting negative ones.
People with low self-esteem complain, which makes them less desirable to others and lowers their self-esteem further. It's a vicious cycle. The way to stay out of this cycle is to actively build up your self-esteem by practicing habits that prevents complaining.